Benicia Historical Society

Page 9 CULLEN HOUSE ~ c. 1900 159 West G Street History: Like its next-door neighbor, this Queen Anne style Victorian was built around the turn of the century (c. 1900). The exterior of this residence underwent substantial restoration in the 1980s, including a 500-square-foot addition to the rear with care given to preserve the ar- chitectural integrity of the original structure. The exterior work in- cluded removal of asbestos shingles and restoration of the original wood siding. Architecture: This is a Queen Anne cottage whose gabled bay re- flects a more horizontally proportioned façade, as the bay takes up half of the façade, in effect reducing the porch‟s size. The open gable is treated with notched shingles, with the hallmark brackets and pendant finials accenting the bays. The porch posts reflect a more sinuous spin- dled shape, with additional bracketing forming a capital at their tops, approaching the combination of delicate forms that gave rise to the popular term “gingerbread,” which is often used to describe the mill- work of the Queen Anne style.